Choosing Your Maid of Honor

A Quick Guide to Choosing Your Maid of Honor

One of the toughest decisions a bride will have to make is picking her maid of honor.  While this might seem like a simple choice to some, the consequences of choosing a friend over family, or vice versa, can be a tricky situation.  Here are a few points to consider before popping the question to your bridesmaids:

Family, usually, comes first
This is probably some advice every bride will hear at some point during her wedding planning process.  For your maid of honor, you are going to want to pick the person you feel closest to.  More often than not, this is usually a sister or cousin.  Even if this is not the case, it can be easier to explain picking a family member over a friend, and therefor fewer egos will be shattered and more friendships will remain intact.  While this sounds overly dramatic, people often have expectations of who the “best friend” is, but it’s harder for people to argue with you choosing family first.
Man of Honor?
An unconventional idea would be choosing a guy to be your right hand for your wedding party.  Let’s be honest, you should choose your wedding party based on relationship, not gender.  Having a brother, uncle, or best guy friend act as your man of honor can be a great benefit.  They more than likely won’t be spending a ton of time on hair and makeup, and you’re going to want that low maintenance attitude the day of the wedding.
1, 2, 3, none?
There is no rule saying how many maids of honor you can have or need to choose.  If you’re torn between your sister and best friend, then choose both!  If you don’t want anyone to be offended by not receiving the coveted “maid of honor” title, then don’t have a maid of honor, and have everyone on the same level.
Formula for Happiness
While there is no scientific equation to help pick your maid of honor, there are many factors to take into consideration.  You might not want to pick a friend who lives across the country if you want them there for events like bridal shower, dress fittings, etc.  You want to pick the friend who knows you, has been there for you through your highs and lows, and will be there for you on your special day and many years to come.
Photo credit ; weheartit
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