Make The Bride Proud: 5 Things To Remember When Planning A Stress-free Bachelorette Party

So you’ve been assigned the job of planning the bachelorette party for the bride and her girlfriends! – Congrats! That’s a big responsibility. These are the memorable moments of spending time with your best friend before they start married life.
This is an exciting time, but it can also be very stressful because you want to make everything perfect for the bride to be.
If you need a helping hand, here are the top 5 things to remember.
1. Speak to the bride
Ask her what she wants! – It’s really that simple. Don’t fry your brain trying to come up with something without knowing if she will actually like it or not. If you want her to have the time of her life – find out what she expects.
Ask is she has any restrictions, or anything that she would really like to do. Also find out if she had a date in mind, as this can determine your location, along with who she wanted there. – You’d hate to end up inviting her new enemy along!
Now you have all the important information, respect what she has told you. – It’s her party remember – no one else’s.
2. Choose a theme
You should come up with a theme for the party, even if it’s something as simple as choosing the bride’s favorite colors. This will just make it a whole lot easier when buying costumes, decorations and also planning any activities. This will save you from trying to come up with a whole idea from scratch. Instead, you have the basic guidelines to follow when shopping for all the bits and pieces.
3. Create a countdown
Come up with a checklist that you can cross off as you get things done. This will keep you a lot more organized, and being able to visually see yourself make a line through the tasks will play a big role in keeping your stress levels down – which is very important! Some people overlook the stress that bridemaids have when planning a bachelorette party, but if you’re having trouble, it’s okay to ask for help.
4. Make the reservations
Whatever you plan on doing, whether that be a fancy dinner, a night out clubbing or even to watch Hunks The Show (hubba hubba) – make sure to mention you are booking for a bachelorette party, (and do it well in advance) as many places offer special packages or even VIP treatment. And if you’re gonna do it – go all out and get the best.
5. Collect the money
Don’t think that you’re supposed to pay for this bachelorette party all by yourself – because you’re not. All the girls (besides the bride) are supposed to chip in all together so it’s fair.
So when planning everything, any purchase that you make – write it down, and even store all the receipts in an envelope. That way when everything is sorted, you can invite the ladies round and show them everything you’ve had to spend, and then divide it up between you all equally.
As long as you plan everything out properly, there is no reason it shouldn’t be a fun experience.

You should be honored that the bride chose you – she obviously trusts you a whole lot.

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