
When planning a wedding there are so many things to choose from! You get to pick out the dress, the venue, the colors, you even get to pick the date! Once all of the big stuff is out of the way what about the little things? Centerpieces are such a fun thing to put together. They can be big and elaborate or small and simple.
When deciding what kind of centerpieces you want at your wedding think about the venue. If you have a big open venue your best bet would to be something big. If you were to put a simple and elegant piece in a big open space it would look like something is missing. For a big venue you want something to fill up the room. A great idea for a big centerpiece is a big bouquet of flowers. Most floral shops can set these up for you. They can come in big vases that call be tall or short. In a big open venue mixing up the sizes of the vases can look really good too.
Another option for a big venue would be bird houses or lanterns. You can go the earthy or outdoor style with this. Try putting some tree branches in a vase with some marbles. You can fill it up with water and put a floating candle on top. If you were to use bird houses you can fill them up with flowers and surround them with candles. If you don’t like the rustic look and maybe you have an outdoor wedding venue that is really open. You could go with a beach feel or style. Try putting marbles on the bottom of a big tall vase. You can add some flowers and put a fish in it! This is a great one if you have a lot of kids at the wedding. They can take the fish home at the end of the night and the fish will keep them occupied.

If you are in a smaller venue that isn’t very open try using a small simple centerpiece. If you were to go big it can make the whole wedding seem too cluttered and smaller than it already is. Candles are the easiest route. Set up different size candles and put some petals around them. You can buy circular mirrors and put that in the middle of the table and put candles on them of just a round bouquet of flowers in the center.
If you like the rustic look and have a small venue try putting some ribbon around a mason jar and fill it with some baby’s breath or sun flowers. You could cover the mason jar in glitter and put a candle in it. With any rustic look you can add a circular piece of wood and put the candles or jars on top of them. If you have a beach look try filling up jars with sand and placing a candle on top. You could put shells in the middle and add candles as well.

If you are have a classy vintage wedding and its in a small venue you can use a small white lantern and fill it with flowers. You can buy some cheap fake stand of pearls and drape the lantern in it to give it that vintage feel. Another vintage look to do would to be get clear wine bottles and wrap them in lace and hand some vintage broaches off of the top of the bottles.
There are so many different things you can set up as centerpieces! If you have a big open venue your best bet is to go big. The big centerpieces will fill up the room. If you have a small cozy venue try a simple centerpiece. If you are not sure what would look best try asking your wedding coordinator!
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