Tiffany & Co.
While surfing the Pinterest wedding board the other day, I came across something unusual. It wasn’t the what that was unusual it was the where. The what was Tiffany & Co. and the where was weddings. It seems the color tiffany blue is becoming more and more popular and many people are adding the color as well as the iconic boxes to their wedding theme. Below I will give you a few ideas I found from Pintrest on how to add Tiffany & Co. to your wedding day.
One way to add this color into your wedding is in your invitations, below is an awesome invite that uses the color and the iconic box incorporated into one, this look is classy and elegant and will get your guests attention immediately. You can even put your new last name into the theme, say if your fiancés name is Johnson it would be Johnson & Co. on the front of the invite.

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