How To Turn Your Honeymoon Destination Into The Perfect Wedding Venue

Honeymoons are thought to be the easy part of any wedding plan. For a start, they are often booked and put aside for months in advance. You might simply walk into your local travel agent office, find a brochure with a gorgeous sandy beach on the front and book it. But if you’re a bit more particular about your choice of honeymoon destination, this can soon turn into a huge research project! Of course, if you know where you want to go and you’ve done your homework, then you’re still left with having to find a wedding ceremony and reception venue. Or are you?

More and more couples are choosing to marry overseas because it opens up the whole event. Just think of the wedding photographs! All those beautiful landscapes form the most stunning backdrops for the happy couple. You can enjoy a beach wedding ceremony and a reception outdoors knowing that the weather won’t let you down. Of course, if you’re in a hurry to start your honeymoon, then what could be more convenient than the resort you married in?

There are some downsides to destination weddings though. Don’t worry – they can be overcome. The first one is your guest list. Many of your relatives and friends simply won’t be able to make that kind of journey. They may not have the time, the visas, or the health required. Another problem occurs when you realize that all of your guests are now on honeymoon with you!

To overcome these problems, choose a destination with options to move on to a different part of the area. This will offer more than enough privacy. Of course, everybody knows to leave the two of you alone after the reception anyway! A Virtual ceremony can also be arranged for the missing guests. Simply set up a Skype conference call so that everyone can attend and see what is happening.

The other problem with destination weddings is planning. After all, you’re not likely to go there before the big day to book everything. It’s a strange country and perhaps even a strange language for local services. Choose a professional Wedding Planner company like the one at that can arrange and prepare everything in your chosen resort on your behalf. This means everything is booked with your approval in your language without you having to worry about extra travel.

Now all you need to worry about is getting you, your outfits, and your wedding party to the resort on time. Coordinating everyone is easy if you share a calendar or scheduler. You can each check your passports and complete your visa applications together. Then you can all book the flights together too. It will ensure nobody forgets. As for transporting your outfits? Carry on can be a little restrictive. A big dress may be a problem. It’s worth considering a lighter outfit, especially for hotter climates.

Try to book flights to arrive a day or two before. This gives you plenty of time should the flight be delayed or canceled. Enjoy your beautiful big day.

For help planning your perfect wedding contact [email protected] or call 248-408-4602

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