Top 5 Wedding Planning Don’ts
Check out number 3! (image)
On your wedding day, you will hopefully be saying “I do” to your beloved. And before the big day arrives, you will be saying “I do” to many other things, whether it’s picking the right venue to choosing the perfect dress. On the other hand, there are some things that need to fall into the “I don’t” category. We hope you won’t be saying those words to the groom at the altar, but you should definitely consider them when planning the wedding.
Here are our list of don’ts, those things you shouldn’t do in the run-up to the big day.
1. Don’t bankrupt yourself. Your wedding is an important day, but it is only one day of your life, after all. Save money where possible, so you don’t run into financial troubles. This means asking family and friends to help with the day, rather than hiring expensive services to do something your nearest and dearest can manage for you. This means spending wisely on your ring, perhaps opting for wedding silicone rings rather than something diamond-encrusted. And this means curtailing your guest list, not inviting more people than you can comfortably afford to accommodate at your wedding.
2. Don’t leave everything to last minute. There is a lot to organise, and you are in danger of jeopardising the day if you miss anything from your wedding checklist. Double-check all of your bookings. Ensure your friends and family know what their roles are, before and during the day. Ensure your partner is as prepared as you. Make use of wedding sites such as ours for any advice you need. The wedding day can be stressful, but you can cut out a lot of anxiety by getting organised way ahead of time.
3. Don’t forget the kids. Children can make a wonderful addition to the wedding, and their cheeky smiles and cute expressions can really enliven the day. Until that is, they decide to create chaos. From running up and down the aisle when you’re trying to say your vows, to ruining your wedding pics by photobombing the shoot, the kids need to be looked after on the day. Hire a childminder, give parents a list of rules, and organise special entertainment for them. You are making everybody’s day easier if you do.
4. Don’t be too bossy. You want the big day to go well, so it’s understandable if you have a list of things you want people to do. However, remember people are human beings. They have feelings and anxieties of their own, so don’t boss them around too much. Provided they have had clear direction before the wedding day, they will know exactly what you want them to do. This way, you will spend less time micromanaging them on the day, and you will save yourself, and your helpers, a lot of unnecessary stress as your wedding day progresses.
5. Don’t put too much pressure on having a perfect wedding. As we said earlier, this is only one day of your life. You want a perfect day, but things will go wrong, no matter how much planning you have put into the day. And that’s fine. Guests will turn up late. You may stumble over your wedding vows. The weather may not as sunny as expected. So what! Don’t let anything ruin the day. Brush off any mishaps with a shrug and a smile, and focus on the reason for the wedding in the first place, the love you have for the man in your life.
Thanks for reading, and if you are getting married soon, we hope you have a wonderful day.
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