The Engagement: Perfect Pampering Ideas for Couples

Image credit: Pexels

If the days leading up the wedding has been all about everything else but the two of you, it’s time to put the wedding planner down for a day or two. When the big day arrives, you’d want to be as relaxed, rested, and happy as possible – rather than relieved that all the planning is finally over. Here is everything you need for the perfect pampering session for you and your bae to give yourself the time to enjoy each other’s company again.

Plan a spa night

A trip to the spa is a wonderful idea – but it’s expensive and requires you to leave your home. Eliminate this by throwing one at home; it’s almost for free, and you can stay in your robes all day long. Make sure you have some soft and luxurious robes to roll around in, a couple of cuddly towels, and a basket full of indulging lotions and facial masks for treating each other.Here are some tips on do’s and don’t for sauna usage so you can have a wonderful experience.

As you’re different people, you tend to come with a set of preferences to lotions and creams; try to have a mix of something that both of you would like. That some creams are better for men than for women is, of course, a bunch of marketing nonsense – but if it makes him feel more manly or something, humour him by throwing in a few of these.

The only difference is that they smell a bit muskier and claims to be better suited for men; whatever, give him what he wants and enjoy the smug feeling of knowing better.

Go suit-shopping

You know how all of your girlfriends are having fun, sipping champagne, and commenting on the wedding dresses you try on? Put yourself in their shoes and go suit-shopping with your groom to-be; he’ll feel properly spoiled, and you can lean back, have a sip, and make sure he looks as handsome as possible on the big day. Have a look at this site, by the way, for something to drool at while you’re deciding on renting a suit or buying one for the occasion.

Image credit: Pexels

Make a day out of it by going out for a meal afterwards and maybe scheduling your spa session for later in the evening. It’s a silly mindset that only the girl should be treated like this before the wedding day – especially when there is so much you can do to have fun and enjoy it together. Spend time on looking at mens’ wedding bands that come in different styles for inspiration, and send him to a classy barber shop to make him even more handsome.

You’re marrying the man, after all, so he better look his absolute best on the day.

Even though you’ve been taught that wedding planning is stressful and every bride in the movies seem to have a nervous breakdown sooner or later, it’s not necessarily how it needs to go down. You’re in control and shouldn’t let the expectations of others steer you in either direction; just remember to put your feet up, watch a good movie together, and enjoy each other’s’ company as you’re going to do for years to come.

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