5 Ways to Cleanse Before Your Big Day!

Worried about blemishes and looking fresh on your big day? Are you worried it’s going to cost you a fortune at the salon? Try doing a home facial at a fraction of the cost! They cleanse naturally without using harsh chemicals and are easy on your budget too!

For All Skin Types

1. Exfoliate/ Moisturize

* Mix together 1 tsp honey and 1 tsp olive oil

* In a separate bowl combine l packet plain oatmeal with less water than it calls for (it needs to be thick)

* Combine all three together to create a paste and rub in circles on the face avoiding the eye area.

* Rinse off with warmer water and pat dry with towel

* You can do this 2 times a week, it also helps to moisturize

2. Brighten

* Cut a ripe papaya in half and remove the seeds and pulp

* Rub the peel onto your face and focus on your crows feet, near the lips, neck, eyes, and also good for your hands!

* Leave this on for 15- 20 min and rinse with room temp water

* This will leave your skin healthier and brighter

For Oily Skin Types

1. Toning

* To remove puffiness and energize your skin brew a cup of green or chamomile tea

* Remove the bags and place two clean make up application pads into the cup.

* Remove them and squeeze out the excess liquid and place both rounds on the eyes for 15 min

* This routine can be done every day

2. Lifting/Tighten

* Combine 2 tbsp of plain yogurt and 1 tbsp of fresh lemon juice and apply mixture to a clean face and neck

* This can be left on for 20-30 min (or up to an hour for more lifting effect)

* The mixture will dry and you will feel it tighten your skin

* Once you have the desired effect rinse first with warm water followed by cool. Pat dry

* This will really help those with unwanted blemishes, age spots, and uneven skin tones, can be done 2-3 times a week or whenever needed.

For Dry Skin Types

1. Soothing

* Combine 2 tbsp of honey with 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar ( can be substituted with lemon juice).

* Leave on for 20 min and then rinse with warm water followed by a cool rinse. Pat dry.

* This will help to balance the natural pH of the skin and heal rough, dry and cracked skin.

* This remedy can be done up to 3 times a week.

So get that skin glowing for your big day!

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