Things you should do within the first year of marriage

The First year of marriage is said to be the toughest of them all which is why you should plan on making the first year all about you! Most couples buy a home or move in together after getting married which can cause financial stress on your new marriage. Try setting up a jar where you can collect coins and every month go out on a little ice cream date, that way you can sit down and just talk to one another.
Another thing you should do is make a list of things to do after you say “I do”. It could be anything from going to a beach you have never been to, to going skydiving together. Just create a list and try knocking things off of it together! Working together as a team is very important in any relationship.

Once you get married people tend to try less because they already know you love them. Make sure you still continue to show your spouse how much you love and care about them. Putting a little note in your spouses car or a flower can turn someones day around. There is no need to go out and spend a ton of money on a gift. Thoughtful gifts are much more appreciated. The first year is often trying as you are still getting used to living together for the first time perhaps and blending your lives together. If you feel it is too stressful you can look to counseling to help you through any difficult times. You may wonder, how much does therapy cost?
Try planning a one year anniversary trip. Where is somewhere you both have never been before? Maybe spend the weekend there exploring. There are many great places to visit in every state you just need to go out and look. For example here in Michigan you could go take a wine tour in Traverse City, or go eat an amazingly home cooked chicken meal from Frankenmuth. When you go on a trip try getting a key chain or something small that you as a couple can collect and put in a memory box to show your future kids and family all the places you have been together.