Ferbruary Couple of the Month: Liz and Kenny, Garland Lodge and Resort

and Liz actually met back when they were 5 and 8 years old and their fathers
were actually fraternity brothers at Western Michigan University. Liz’s parents
(who were dating at the time) would
spend lots of time with Ken (Kenny’s dad) but once they graduated they
went their separate ways. When Kenny was 5, his family moved to Shelby
Township (where Liz’s family was living) and Kenny’s dad left a note on her
parents’ front door saying he was living in
the area. From there, her parents started to spend a great deal of time
with his parents and she would often see Kenny at various
parties. When Kenny was 12 or 13, he started doing odd jobs for Liz’s
parents like mowing the grass, etc. and started helping her dad a lot (Liz’s dad owned his own remodeling and construction
company). After high school, when Kenny was 18, he started working for Liz’s dad full time. She always had her “eye” on Kenny, but he was 3 years
older so it felt like a bit of an age difference until she was home from college before her senior year. She and Kenny had their first “real” conversation, and the rest was history!

2 years together, Kenny planned the cutest proposal by bringing all of
the necessities they would need to camp at a cute little cabin at Addison Oaks
Park in Oakland Twp., MI.
He’d brought everything there ahead of time and then brought Liz there
later after she got off work. Her parents were actually married there in
1980, so they went on a walk to check out the reception area and that’s
when he got down on one knee and proposed after
distracting her by saying, “Look, a turkey!” Liz was happily surprised and both are extremely excited for their future together.

Kenny also owns his own remodeling and construction company (Coon Creek
Renovations and Construction) that he started after Liz’s father retired 2
years ago. Liz is currently
working as a School Psychologist for Dearborn Public Schools while also
pursuing her Ph.D. in Educational Psychology.

They knew they wanted to get
married outdoors and somewhere more “rustic”, and they absolutely loved
Garland Lodge and Resort in Lewiston, MI. They cannot believe the wedding
is only 4 months away and are so excited! They will each have 5 bridesmaids and groomsmen standing up with them at the altar,
including both good friends and family. 

We are so excited for our bride Liz and her fiance, Kenny to be wed! We are so blessed to be a part of their big day! Congratulations on your engagement again and we look forward to a fabulous wedding come June 1st!

For more help planning your perfect wedding contact [email protected] or call at 248-408-4602!