Environmentally Friendly Weddings

should take into account both the couples dreams plus what is good for the
environment. A wedding will be one of the biggest events in their lives and it
needs to represent what they envision for the future. The attention to detail
is a very important concept and encompasses everything right down to the
lighting. A new beginning for the couple should be a positive one and is an
example of how they want to live the rest of their lives.
LED Leads the Way
Today’s lighting options are bigger and better than ever before with a wide
range of energy efficient models to choose from. https://www.ledlights.co.uk/wired/environmentally-friendly-lighting-green-bride/”>LED
lights are the go to solution for any event but especially for
weddings because of their versatility. The right lighting sets the mood and is
an essential part of any nuptial décor. LED lighting options range from the
more traditional look of a string light to interesting centerpieces that
illuminate the table with just the right amount of light. Couples can let their
imagination go wild with all the possibilities available to them when using LED
lighting at the wedding.
Energy Efficient
LED lighting is 80%-90% more energy efficient than conventional or traditional
lighting. More electrical energy is converted to light with LEDs rather than it
being lost to heat or other factors. This will help keep the electrical costs
down while providing the wedding with beautiful light. The lights can be used
long after the wedding is over for accent lighting in the home or on the patio
for that romantic evening. They have an extremely long life expectancy and it
is not uncommon to get up to 100,000 hours of use from an LED light. Buying
them for a wedding will ensure lighting for many years to come.
Go Green
Couples can feel good about their decision to use LED lighting at the wedding
because they are ecologically friendly. They are toxin free and can be
recycled, reducing the carbon footprint. All eco-conscious brides and grooms
should consider a green wedding. There are many ways to achieve this goal
including digital invitations, buying local, reusable items, and LED lighting.
Long-term solutions to a better earth begins with a simple, I do. Start the
marriage out right by making earth friendly decisions that will impact the
world for generations to come in a positive way.
Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons