Simple Ways To Make Your Wedding Ceremony More Exciting
The reception doesn’t have to be the only exciting part of your wedding. Whilst often steeped in tradition, many people have found ways to personalise the ceremony itself to make it fun and memorable for all involved. Here are a few ways to add some excitement to your ceremony.
Choose a venue with a difference
Whilst some people have their heart set on a church wedding, those that aren’t religious may prefer to get married elsewhere. You needn’t settle for a registry office – registrars can be hired to marry you practically anywhere. For a taste of outdoors, why not get married on a beach or in a forest or in the gardens to a stately home. If you don’t trust the weather, you could try a historical building such as a manor home or a castle. You could even get married in your garden if you wanted to. The likes of Las Vegas meanwhile are renowned for all manner of crazy venues from drive-thru weddings to the High Roller (the largest observation wheel in the world).
Have it videographed
When looking for a photographer, why not look for one that can also videograph your wedding? You can then relive the moment in all its glory for years to come. The ceremony and the first dance are the two most popular videographed parts of the wedding.
Get creative with music
When the bride is walking down the aisle, choose a piece of music that means something to the two of you rather than a generic ‘wedding march’. You can also have music before the ceremony, as well as at the end, giving you lots of chances to have themed music if the two of you can’t decide on just one song. Some people will hire a musician or group of musicians to perform the music such a singer or string quartet. It’s worth listening to these musicians first so that you know you’re paying for someone talented. Also consider acoustic or classical versions of pop songs – they could provide a personal touch whilst keeping things sophisticated.
Have a drink
You don’t have to wait until the reception to have a drink. Handing champagne to guests either on the way in or way out of the ceremony could a nice extra touch. Of course, be careful of having too many drinks before the reception – you still have the meal and it’s many toasts to come, not to mention the party afterwards.
Create a background slideshow
One creative feature could be to have a slideshow of photographs in the background as the ceremony is taking place. This could be romantic photographs of the two of you, as well as photographs of family and friends. Some may find this distracting whilst the vows are being given out, you could simply put on a slideshow in the background until the ceremony starts or alternatively after the ceremony.
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