Colors You Can’t Go Wrong With

27 Dresses is one of the most popular movies involving brides maids dresses. Through out the movie you see Katherine Heigel trying on some horrible brides maids dresses in weddings she has been in. Picking a brides maids dress can be as hard as picking your own wedding dress. As a bride you want to make sure your brides maids are happy and comfortable with what they are wearing. You want to pick a style that looks good on all women and color that matches.

Here at You’re The Bride we are going to tell you four colors that look great on all women.

One color that looks great on all women is royal blue. This color can really make you shine.

Another great color is purple. Just like with any color there are many shades of purple. But this shade of purple looks great on everyone!

Of course red looks great on everyone we all knew that!

Blush pink, this one was most shocking to me but this one really brings out your natural beauty!

Congratulations on your engagement and happy crafting!

For help planning your perfect wedding contact [email protected] or call 248-408-4602

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