A Guide to Engagement Proposals

The perfect proposal is about what your significant other loves in life. It’s also important to understand timing and to talk with your partner about your future together.

Make sure both of you are on the same page. Talk about the future and make sure your significant is also interested in getting married.   

detroit engagement proposal

When it is time to purchase the engagement ring that he/she will be wearing for the rest of their life you need to understand what their  preference is. It is a good idea to get recommendations from their loved ones, friends, their Pinterest board. Go ahead and ask their ring size but if you want to be discrete, jewelers  usually can get a rough idea of what the ring size should be based on their height weight, and other ring pieces. Remember you can always have it re-sized later so don’t fret.

Take time to think about what your significant other’s interests are how and what kind of proposal you would like.  When popping the question, there are lots of ideas from planning a romantic picnics to a candelight dinner and things in between.

guide to proposals

It is wise to have a photographer hiding to capture the happy moment. Reach out to us if you would like help planning your proposal.  There are a lot of factors to consider including the location, flowers, candles, decor, signage, logistics and more. 

Just have fun and try to relax as they say yes to happily ever after!

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