Staying Present in Your Marriage

Getting married is one of the most exciting times in a couple’s life. They spend countless hours picking out the perfect venue, dress, flowers, menu, invitations and every other detail. They are planning the most important day of their life which is followed by a party to celebrate the couple’s
nuptials. Often couples get so wrapped up in all of the events leading up to this momentous occasion
that sometimes they don’t really take time for each other and still go on dates. Slowing down to just be a couple together without the constant thoughts of the wedding and never-ending to-do list is sometimes forgot. Couples can really get lost with all of the over-whelming details and decisions to make while planning their weddings. They tend to just go through the motions of all of the responsibilities to get to the big day and then it’s over in a whirlwind.
Waking up the next day to some is often a reality check of the future together. Unfortunately, some couples grow apart during the planning process and even in the first few months of a brand new marriage. They are still consumed with post wedding tasks such as writing thank you notes to each guest. They start to settle in to married life and their daily routines of going to work, socializing out with friends, grocery shopping and paying bills. Sometimes they are just so busy trying to get through the day and all of their work responsibilities that married couples don’t even make the time to talk.
Breakdown in communication often occurs and leaves couples stressed, lonely and not enjoying each other the way they should after they made a lifetime comittment. Couples find themselves just going through the motions of the day and feeling empty inside as the other may not be there to talk to because they are preoccupied with work or just going back to doing the things they did when they were single i.e. hanging out with friends and grabbing a drink.
Stress in a marriage leads to anger and anger coupled with feeling lonely can often result in arguments. Many couples find themselves wondering what went wrong and begin to feel unhappy in their new marriage. They may seek marriage counseling before their first anniversary which is sad but true. Sometimes couples are lucky and after a few sessions with a therapist they can get their marriage back on track and focus on the positives and the reason they decided to marry one another in the first place. Other times some couples are not so lucky and discover through therapy that they were not meant for each other and come to terms of the mistake they made. Divorce affects over 50% of married couples and is growing. Counseling is available to help couples cope with all the emotions they are facing daily in life and their marriage. Partnering with a great marriage counselor from BetterHelp at the first signs of trauma can do wonders for a marriage and hopefully save it so they can have many happy years to come.
For help planning your perfect wedding contact [email protected] or call 248-408-4602