Want to Plan the Perfect Wedding? Learn the Six P’s
Michigan wedding planning tips is here for you! Is your head spinning? If you’re planning a wedding, it probably is. Many couples find themselves overwhelmed by all the details, especially in the early stages of preparation. That’s why I’ve compiled the Six P’s of Wedding Planning – these tips will help you deal with the details and reduce your pre-wedding stress:
- Price. Regardless of who is picking up the tab, you need to know and adhere to the budget. Before booking the hall, ordering invitations, or spending any money at all, you should compile a list of what each item will cost and make sure it fits within your budget. Good research is the key to planning a successful, affordable wedding.
- Practical. Being on a budget requires the couple to make sensible choices. For example, splurging on a designer wedding gown may mean sacrificing something else down the line. That leads into our next P…
- Prioritize. Your wedding preparations start with the proposal and end with the honeymoon. It’s everything in between that can be hair-raising for you and your family! There are literally hundreds of things to do, order, book, arrange, and buy. I’ve prepared a special checklist of wedding tasks that will help you get organized and prevent last minute panics. Request your free copy by sending an email to [email protected] with the words “Countdown article” in the subject line.
- Pleasant. Sometimes this is the toughest of the Six P’s. When you feel the tension mounting, take time out for yourself. You don’t want your wedding to be remembered as an ordeal so try to keep a positive outlook.
- Parents. Whenever possible let parents and siblings assist with the preparations. You’ll need plenty of helpers and they’ll appreciate being involved.
- Protocol. Wedding etiquette has become more complex over the years. There are several books available on the subject such as Emily Post’s Wedding Etiquette. But one great free resource is an article entitled “Wedding Etiquette Guidelines.” It deals with touchy issues like who pays for what, who do you tip, how do you word the invitations, and much more. To request a free copy, send an email with the subject line “Wedding etiquette article” to [email protected].
Ten Biggest Mistakes Couples Make
As a wedding planner with over 25 years of experience I have seen just about everything. I wanted to share just a few of the mistakes you may make as a bride but don’t have to. I understand that you have never planned a wedding before and you want it to be perfect. There is no shame in calling in a professional to help assist with the most important day of your life. You may work or go to school and planning your wedding is another full-time job so try not to spread yourself too thin by doing it all. Couples can’t possibly know what to do in every situation that arises so leave it to the professionals to put out the fires! There is so much to do, know and remember!
- Don’t pay full price for vendor meals. Make sure your hall deducts the alcohol portion as your vendors are professionals and should not be drinking at your wedding.
- Don’t assume your banquet hall will fold your napkins brought in from an outside vendor. Sometimes they do and sometimes they don’t so if they don’t you have a big problem on your wedding day and the job might not get done.
- Don’t forget to order extra invitations and envelopes. A second printing always cost much more than the first batch. It’s better to order more now than pay more later.
- Don’t assume your Catering Manager at the hall is your Day-of Coordinator. They have one goal in mind the day of your wedding and that is to make sure that their responsibilities are being taken care of meaning getting the food out to your guests, taking care of any bar problems, etc. They will not help you fix your bustle, or pack your items up at the end of the night plus many other things in-between that come up.
- Don’t assume that your DJ, Photographer or Videographer works alone. They often bring along an assistant and that is an extra meal that you may or may not have to pay for. It is best when you hire that vendor to ask them if they bring along someone so you know if you will need to provide another meal.
- Don’t assume your guests know that they can’t take home your rented centerpieces. Yes, you heard me often the vases are rented and need to be returned to the florist and your guests just walk off with them not giving a second thought to this. Then you are stuck paying a replacement fee to your florist for the missing vases!
- Don’t assume that getting a chair cover for a $1 or so is a great deal. Often these are a mess and not clean or pressed. I have even seen them with holes and rips at the bottom..not very classy for your dream reception. Not to say that you won’t find some chair cover vendors that do take pride in their work and will deliver a nice and clean finished product but you must be careful.
- Don’t assume your Limo Driver knows where he/she is taking you although you have provided directions and/or the address to each location. It is best to type something up and give it to him/her at the first pickup. This way you won’t have to be yelling up every 5 minutes..No turn here, back up, stop!
- Don’t assume your wedding guests won’t come up and bother you at your reception with seating issues. Trust me this is the last thing you want to deal with while you are trying to enjoy your meal. Having a day-of coordinator in charge to trouble-shoot these little issues that often come up will save you a great deal of stress.
- Don’t assume your hall will cut and serve your wedding cake to your guests for free. Be sure to check your contract to see what the charge is and often you can negotiate it.
About the author:
Tracie Morris has been a Certified Wedding Planner since 1999. Since then, she’s become known as the Bride Guru. If you would like to learn more about our services and see if we would be a good match to work together please get in touch for your complimentary consultation.
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