Would You Like to Sign the Guestbook?

            Guestbooks are a great way to keep track of who attended the wedding. It’s also a great way for your guests to leave advice, messages, or little notes to the bride and groom. However the traditional guest book is no longer a choice among newlyweds. There are so many alternative to the old guestbook because what do you do with it? It becomes storage material. With these new alternatives you are sure to get more out of your guestbook and your guests are certain to enjoy it too!
Our first suggestion is one we have seen in many recent weddings. If you are planning on renting a photo booth for your wedding make sure to request double prints. The first print is for the guest to take home and the second is for a photo album/scrapbook! Guests can pull out the scrapbook pages and sign them and then attach the photo next to it. It makes a great coffee table book and it fun too look at!
Materials:       Photo booth Rental (double prints)
                        Scrapbook/or Album
                        Scrapbook pages
                        Glue/or Double-sided Tape
                        Sharpies (Permanent Marker)
                        Fun stickers to place in album
We also recommend little cards at every place setting (can be round, square, ect).  Leave space for the person/group to leave a little message and who it was from. Then make an announcement for the guests to please drop off their cards into the card box. They are great keepsakes and are a lot of fun to read after you get back from your honeymoon!

Materials:      Card box (can be the same or separate                         from the gift card box)
                        Paper cutouts
 Thirdly, a unique idea that comes from one of our recent brides, Randi Fardig, is to have wine bottles (dark glass) personalized. We recommend 3 bottles; each one has an anniversary of the married couple printed onto it, the 1 year, 5 year, and 10 year anniversaries. Then using a silver sharpie guests can sign them, or write a small personal message. They are perfect for couples who would love to share a bottle of wine and be reminded of all their loved ones who shared in their special day. 
Materials:       3 of your favorite wines (dark glass)
                        Get them inscribed/etched/embossed
                        Sharpie markers in silver, gold, brass
Another guest book alternative is to put questions at each table setting. For example,  “what should we do on a date night?”, “where do you see us in 25 years?”, or “what should we say to each other every night?” Each guest can answer the questions and give them to the bride and groom. They can be hole punched and attached on a ring for you and your husband to read through for fun!

Materials:       Cardstock with printed questions
                        Hole punch
                        Ring Holder
 A fun and exciting idea is to get blank wooden puzzle pieces. Lay them on the table to the entrance of the ceremony unattached. As guests arrive they can sign a puzzle piece, which you and your new husband can put together! You can leave it apart to put together when you please or you can glue it together and use it as a personalized wall hanging!
Materials:       Wooden puzzle pieces blank
                        Sharpie Markers (don’t be afraid                           to use colored ones!)
                        Wood glue (if needed)
Our last idea is one for the books. Place an old typewriter at the entrance with a long sheet of paper attached. As guests arrive they can type you and your significant other a message. It is a very exceptional addition to any wedding. You can save this keepsake to read whenever you and your companion want to feel like newlyweds again or for a fun read to spice up a dull night!
Materials:      Typewriter
                        Parchment Paper (preferably long                           to be scrolled but individual sheets                           will work)
                                                                                                            Ribbon to tie the sheets together
Congratulations on your engagement!
For help planning your perfect wedding contact [email protected] or call 248-408-4602
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