Honeymoon Planning: The Do’s And Don’ts
When it comes to marriages, the wedding is essential, but the honeymoon is where you lock it down. That’s when you find out why you decided to marry the person you did, and you get to explore the best that they have to offer.
But how do you plan a honeymoon and organize the trip of a lifetime? Take a look at the following ideas.
Do Book Now To Keep Prices Low, Especially If You Have A Particular Destination In Mind
With the rise of last-minute travel deals, it is tempting to leave booking your honeymoon to the last minute.
Bad idea!
While you can get some decent last-minute deals, they tend to be for destinations which, for some reason, can’t fill vacancies. More often than not, they’re in places you never planned on visiting and never would have, even if you lived a thousand years.
The best time to book a honeymoon is around six months out. This window of time is when prices for both flights and accommodation are lowest — leaving it to the weeks before could mean that you pay more than you need.
Don’t Copy Anyone Else’s Honeymoon Schedule
As a couple, you intrinsically understand how much or how little activity you want on your honeymoon. There’s no need, therefore, to follow the itinerary of another couple. Honeymoons should be unique, bespoke, and tailored to your relationship.
Don’t Always Use The Internet As Your Guide
The internet is a fabulous resource – no question. But you don’t need to rely on it entirely to find out more about honeymoon destinations. There’s still a role for actually talking to people who’ve been there to find out what it’s really like. Just use your common sense, too. Look at the way that holiday companies represent places you’ve been in the past – even your home town! Often, you’ll find that they use flattering angles and saturated colors to make destinations look better than they actually are. It’s sneaky, but it happens. You don’t want to arrive and be disappointed. If you don’t know anyone who has been to the location you have in mind, then use sites that offer reviews. See what people said about the destination in general and the local amenities, like hotels and restaurants.
Do Use A Travel Agent
A honeymoon isn’t just a regular holiday. It’s an opportunity for you to delight at the beginning of a new life with the person you love. It should feel a little different from a regular trip. Because honeymoons are a once-in-a-lifetime event, you want to make sure that they go off without a hitch. You don’t want to arrive having flown halfway around the world, only to find that your hotel is a building site. While many people try to go without travel agents, honeymoons are an exception. With a travel agent, you can make sure that everything works like clockwork, and there are no disasters. You can still design your holiday however you like, but you get a little extra assistance along the way. All the tedious planning is done for you.
Do Leave A Break Between Your Wedding And Honeymoon
While it is traditional to get married and then go off on honeymoon, you don’t have to. Many couples now wait for several weeks, even months, before they set off on their big adventure. Giving yourself a little break is probably a good idea. It gives you a chance to rest and recuperate after the wedding, get your bearing, and think about where you really want to go.
Don’t Spend The Whole Time Relaxing
Do Keep It Off Social Media
While social media is the outlet most people use to advertise their holidays, honeymoons are something special. They’re your private getaway with the person you love. There’s no need to involve anyone else.
Are you planning a honeymoon? What do you think of these ideas?
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