3 Important Priorities For Your Second Wedding

Man Holding Woman's Hand

America, 13%
of people marry again
 after a divorce. If you have previously been
married, you have an enormous advantage when you
are planning your wedding
. You know exactly what’s involved, and you are
more inclined to do what makes you happy – not what family members or friends
expect you to do. This is why you need to think about your priorities when
organizing your big day.

Invite the people who matter

wedding doesn’t have to be a huge formal affair. You might opt for a summer
barbecue party, or a
private ceremony on a secluded beach
. The most important thing is that you
invite the people that matter, to celebrate your big day with you. Don’t get
pressured to invite every second cousin twice removed that you might have. Just
because you’ve invited one person from work, doesn’t mean you need to invite
the whole office. You don’t have to make up excuses for not inviting someone
either. Getting married after a divorce is when you
move forward
. You should share with the celebration with the people who
really care for you and your partner.

Choose the food you love

your wedding party, pick the food that you love to eat: don’t get tied down by
convention. It’s a good idea to share with your guests a meal that has
emotional significance to you and your partner. Perhaps you shared salt and
pepper squid on your first date. Or perhaps the marriage proposal was made
over a
meal of buffalo chicken wings
. It doesn’t have to be fine dining; it just
has to be simple and delicious.

That all important dress

people believe that you shouldn’t wear a white dress if you have already been
previously married. The fact is that this is the 21st century and you should be
able to wear what you please to get married in. It doesn’t matter if you want
to get hitched in a purple velvet polka-dot trouser suit with a green beret, or
even a
fancy dress astronaut costume
. So if you want to wear a big white gown with
a train, then who is anyone to tell you otherwise? Just enjoy the opportunity
to wear something that is extra special and makes you feel fabulous.

you get remarried after a divorce, your wedding should be entirely on your
terms. You have the wisdom and experience to know how to plan the perfect big
day for you and your partner.

Photo Credit: pexels.com

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