Wedding Day Style is not just for Brides Anymore.

A man can never go wrong with a traditional black tuxedo on his wedding day. The black wedding tux is the perfect blend of sophistication and class for the occasion. However, more and more grooms are taking a break from this wedding day staple and thinking outside the box by incorporating their own unique personal style into their wedding day look. Wedding day fashion is not just for brides anymore!

Even though I like to think that I have a pretty good eye when it comes to men’s fashion, I admit that I am no expert. I asked a friend of mine, Jason Carbary, Owner of Detroit Beautiful Events, to share with us some of his favorite wedding day looks.

Looking to the Past….

1940’s London
Take some inspiration from the past-when men wore suits everyday and weren’t afraid to add different color and pattern combinations. This might be far from the black and white traditional tux, but its still a very classy look. Just make sure you don’t overshadow the bride. 

Go Bold or Go Home….



Wedding guests can also get in on the action. Solid color suits can definitely make a statement. Try pairing one of the suits above with a subtle shirt to compliment the bold colors or go big and match the suit with a great striped shirt and dotted tie combination. Here are some suggestions for pairings below.


The Comeback Kids….

The last few years have seen a reemergence of suspenders and bowties. They are virtually everywhere-and for good reason. I absolutely love these items. And it is no surprise that Jason included them in this list, since I have seen him on many occasions rocking a bowtie and some suspenders of his own.

From Head to Toe…

While a nice pair of shoes, such as the ones below, can really tie a look together, its whats hidden inside the shoes that’s really making a splash nowadays. I am talking about socks. Now Jason is known for his signature wild socks, which he wears everyday. So its no surprise that I got some great images from him. Here are some unique ways that grooms are showing their personality below the surface.

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