Getting The Munchies?
What’s the perfect way to end your wedding reception? Well great music is a must but a great late night snack is just what your guests will want after dancing the night away. Pizza, hot dogs, and cookies are the typical go to snacks but brides nowadays are changing it up in a more stylish, sophisticated way. Surprise your guests with a chick snack. Check out these trendsetting late night wedding food ideas:

Fruit parfaits: after a heavy dinner and rich desert guest are going to want something light so treat them to one of these easy to make snacks.
Mini sobert cones: these “ice cream like” treats are great for small bite after a big dinner and are just as simple to create.

Treat filled take out boxes: following a big reception meal, this will allow guests to save a bite from your wedding for later in creative, unique way.

For more information on great late night snacks and planning your perfect wedding contact You’re The Bride at 248-408-4602 or via email at mailto:[email protected].
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