Guest Etiquette Do’s and Don’ts
1. If possible, do Purchase a gift off of the registy and send to the couple so they dont have to worry about getting it home that evening.
2. Compliment B/G on the way they look /the event itself.
3. Call Bride if unexpected emergency arises and you cant attend.
4. Send a gift even if you cant attend the festivities.
5. Send the rsvp back before the due date and not late as the bride has to make seating arrangement, pay for final counts, make placecards and/or seating board.
6. Do sit in the seat that has been assigned to you as it will cause seating issues if you dont.
1. Don’t dress casual unless the invite instructs you to do so.
2. Don’t bring a guest or children if the envelope does not indicate that they can be accomodated.
3. Don’t take the centerpieces home as usually the stands/vases are rented, ask before taking.
4. Don’t take pics during the ceremony as usually flash is not allowed and it interferes with the professional photographer the couple has hired.
5. Don’t bother the bride with seating issues at the reception seek help of the wait-staff or Day-of coordinator.
6. Dont overindulge in the open bar or cause embarrassment to yourself.
1. Arrive early to the wedding as to not interfere with the processional (starting of the wedding).
2. Find the cardbox and place your card in there …do not hand to the bride as it may get lost or dropped.
3. Keep cell phone on vibrate