Something Old, Something Borrowed, Something BLUE?
These brides are putting a new twist on the old saying. They are incorporating blue into their wedding alright. They are wearing blue gowns! They range in a large variety of color palates and themes but yes they are wearing blue. We have all seen some brides wear red, pink, or even, black to their wedding but blue is a new trend beginning to take hold.
These blue gowns are being seen in more romantically and soft color palate themes, often because the dress is in a powder or very light blue. However, a bride can use any shade of blue to incorporate this saying into their wedding, I mean it could even be the theme of the wedding!
The color blue usually resembles calmness and loyalty. It is an inspiring color and is gorgeous as the color of a wedding gown. So if you are a unique individual who would love to change it up on your wedding day try a blue wedding gown and see if it’s the color for you!

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