Dream Honey Moon
Have you heard of honeyfund.com? This is a new and free website that will help you set up a registry. This website takes you step by step of how to build your registry. Each tab is built to help you navigate your way to get the perfect honey moon.

The first tab explains what HoneyFund is. The next tab shows you what you can add to your registry. Items like champagne for two and a down payment on your new home! Plus more items you can choose from.

The next tab allows you to send your registry to your friends. You can send them an email, word of mouth or inserts. The next tab shows you how you can check up on your registry and see if anyone has donated money to your amazing honey moon. The last tab allows you to keep track of the thank you notes that you sent out and manage your wedding gifts.
This website is the new way to keep you organized and on track of your honey moon. I know when I get married I will be using this fantastic tool to help me plan my perfect vacation!
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