Christy Talks About Her Exerience as a Intern

Each season I work with interns as they go through a pretty intense internship that I developed in 2010 to give them a hands on experience of being a wedding planner. At the end of their program I always give them a exit interview so I can hear what they thought about their experience including likes and dislikes which helps me determine if there is anything I can do to improve things for the next interns. Here are Christy’s thoughts as she finishes her 6 month internship.
1. What things did you enjoy about the internship?
I enjoyed being treated like an equal and
being trusted with a variety of tasks. I found the knotties to be a helpful
tool in getting me to think like a wedding planner. I enjoyed going to four
weddings and feeling like a useful asset to the team.
being trusted with a variety of tasks. I found the knotties to be a helpful
tool in getting me to think like a wedding planner. I enjoyed going to four
weddings and feeling like a useful asset to the team.
2. Do you think it was a valuable experience if so why?
I did find this experience to be
valuable. I feel confident in how I communicate with others over the phone.
valuable. I feel confident in how I communicate with others over the phone.
3. What did you learn about wedding/event planning?
I learned that it’s not always easy
working with different vendors at every wedding. You may have to ignore rude
behavior and remind yourself that you are there to help the bride and groom.
working with different vendors at every wedding. You may have to ignore rude
behavior and remind yourself that you are there to help the bride and groom.
4. What was your favorite part of the experience while
interning at You’re The Bride?
interning at You’re The Bride?
Seeing everything come together at the
end of the night and watching all the guests and our clients enjoying their
wedding was my favorite part. One of the best feelings is laying in bed at the
end of the night with an aching body but knowing that your event was a
end of the night and watching all the guests and our clients enjoying their
wedding was my favorite part. One of the best feelings is laying in bed at the
end of the night with an aching body but knowing that your event was a
5. What did you dislike about the internship?
Sometimes it was hard to keep track of
all the email chains and what assignments needed to be completed. I tried my
hardest to write them down in my planner but occasionally forgot. I might
suggest having a google sheets folder shared between you and next interns. The intern
can be in charge of keeping it up to date and putting a check mark next to
assignments that are completed. Then you can check it once a week to make sure
nothing is missing.
all the email chains and what assignments needed to be completed. I tried my
hardest to write them down in my planner but occasionally forgot. I might
suggest having a google sheets folder shared between you and next interns. The intern
can be in charge of keeping it up to date and putting a check mark next to
assignments that are completed. Then you can check it once a week to make sure
nothing is missing.
6. Do you have any suggestions on how to change or make
the internship better?
the internship better?
Since google documents are so important I
suggest having a shared folder where all of the documents are placed. This
would make it easier to find documents in one location rather than mixed in google drive with everything else.
suggest having a shared folder where all of the documents are placed. This
would make it easier to find documents in one location rather than mixed in google drive with everything else.
7. Do you still have plans to either become a wedding
or event planner while working for someone else or starting your own wedding
business? Please note per the non-compete agreement that you signed you are not
allowed to work for another wedding/event planning company for a period of 1
year within a 50 mile radius of You’re The Bride in Farmington, MI except with
the prior written consent of the company/Tracie Morris.
or event planner while working for someone else or starting your own wedding
business? Please note per the non-compete agreement that you signed you are not
allowed to work for another wedding/event planning company for a period of 1
year within a 50 mile radius of You’re The Bride in Farmington, MI except with
the prior written consent of the company/Tracie Morris.
I would like to spend my last year in
school researching different event coordinating options. I’m thinking of
working for a city, hotel, large company, really anything that would allow me
to plan events.
school researching different event coordinating options. I’m thinking of
working for a city, hotel, large company, really anything that would allow me
to plan events.
8. Are you interested in working any weddings with YTB
as an Event Assistant in the future to gain more experience for a day rate?
as an Event Assistant in the future to gain more experience for a day rate?
I don’t know where I’ll be living after
graduation so I may not be close enough to help work weddings.
graduation so I may not be close enough to help work weddings.
9. Are you interested in assignments as needed for a
flat rate per assignment? This could be preparing wedding blogs, working bridal
shows, similar tasks that you did during the internship, etc.*Of course this is
on an as needed basis depending on how busy I am in the future and how soon I
am able to start the next interns*
flat rate per assignment? This could be preparing wedding blogs, working bridal
shows, similar tasks that you did during the internship, etc.*Of course this is
on an as needed basis depending on how busy I am in the future and how soon I
am able to start the next interns*
As much as I enjoyed all my work this
summer I can’t commit to doing assignments once it’s over. I will have a heavy
work load this next school year and spending a lot of time trying to find a
summer I can’t commit to doing assignments once it’s over. I will have a heavy
work load this next school year and spending a lot of time trying to find a
10. List any other comments/feedback you wish to share
about your experience.
about your experience.
Thanks again for giving me this
experience. I truly loved working with you and Samm and definitely plan on
staying in touch.
experience. I truly loved working with you and Samm and definitely plan on
staying in touch.
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