Who To Tip On Your Wedding Day!

Tipping is a very important thing we do as American’s. It has because a part of our culture and almost everyone here knows how to do it. But there are some that don’t grasp the concept of when tipping is appropriate and who should be tipped. The very basic go to rule about tipping is when anyone does a service for you, you tip them. We tip waitresses and waiters because they provide table service for us when we go out to eat. Or when you get your hair cut you should tip your hair dresser because they did you a service by cutting your hair. 

The same thing applies on your wedding day. If you hire a bar tender for your wedding day it would be appropriate to tip them for serving your guests at your wedding. Sometimes they have tip jars already out if its a cash bar. If it is an open bar people usually take advantage of the “free” drinks so you should give them a large tip for an open bar. 

Another person to tip would be the DJ. The DJ usually brings all of his/her own equipment. Drives them and their equipment all the way to the venue. Then has to load everything up and pack it all down at the end of the night. They take requests and play the music type you ask of them. They introduce the wedding party for the grand entrance. If you really think about it, the DJ plays a very important role in your big day; therefore, a tip is appropriate. 

If you think the cake/dessert vendor did a great job on it then a tip may be appropriate. It is not necessary to tip them; however, cutting the cake did play a big role in the wedding. They probably spent a lot of time on the cake making sure it was absolutely perfect. If you feel as if they went above and beyond your expectations of the perfect wedding cake, tip them! 
On top of tipping your wedding vendor it is also important to get vendor meals for them during the night. It is not like a normal job where you can take a 30 mins break and go out and get food. You want all of your vendors to stay there throughout the entire wedding. It is important that you order them vendor meals when talking to your caterer. They don’t have to get the same meal as your guests but make sure they get something so they are at their prime game throughout the night! 

At the end of it all you want to make sure you treat your vendors like people. Most wedding vendors love what they do! They want to make your day special and important. Most of them will go out of their way to please the bride and groom. So with that being said make sure you take care of your vendors and they will make sure to take care of you! 

You can also reference this tipping guide from the Knot https://www.theknot.com/content/wedding-vendor-tipping-cheat-sheet

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