15 Best Man Speech jokes that will win over any wedding crowd

Writing your best man speech and don’t know how to start? Well visiting sites like
www,pokerbankrollblog.com certainly won’t help you, but we’ll do our best here. A bit of
humor will help you keep the atmosphere relaxed! There is nothing better than a good joke
to win the audience right from the opening sentence. Well, here are some of the most hilarious
opening jokes for  the best man speech from Weddingforward.
`I didn’t know how to start, so I browsed the Internet. After several hours I found some great
stuff! Then I realized I was supposed to be writing a speech’
‘Before I begin, can we please make sure your mobile phones are in a silent mode! Don’t
switch them off – but if you come across a good joke browsing the web during my speech
send it to me! I will be very grateful.’
‘You can’t imagine just how much I’ve been looking forward to today! After all these years,
(Groom) has finally admitted that I am the best man!’
‘I asked for a microphone, but they couldn’t get me any. So if you can’t hear me properly in
the back seats – it’s ok, don’t worry. One look at the faces of the front row can tell you that
you are not missing out much!
‘When (Groom) asked me to be his best man, he told me that he expected me to make a
traditional speech to the bride and groom. But he forgot to mention the fifty other people
who’d be present.’
Such an occasion is impossible without best man speech jokes about groom. Try to keep
the balance between teasing and offence. After all, this is your best friend’s big day! Also,
remember that though you probably share lots of inside jokes, really funny best man speech
jokes are those everyone can understand.

‘(Groom) is definitely one of the best people I’ve even met. Handsome, funny, intelligent… I’m
sorry, (groom), your handwriting is hideous!’
‘Loyal, funny, caring, sincere and honest… but enough about me!’
‘The groom asked me not to talk about his embarrassing moments, mistakes or ex-girlfriends
… Well, thanks for listening, you are a great audience, that’s all from me!’
‘I know it’s a part of the tradition, but I don’t want to roast the groom on his special day. So I
won’t tell anything controversial or embarrassing about (Groom) and concentrate on his good
points instead. Thank you and goodnight.’
One of the secrets of a successful speech is to know your audience. If you are not sure about
any minors that might be present, better stick to clean best man speech jokes.
‘People have often commented that myself and (Groom) are like siblings. I suppose I take on
the role of an older brother. (Turns to groom) Would you agree with that, little sis?’
‘My name is (name) and as the Best Man, it is my job to tell you the truth about (Groom). A
gentleman, a charismatic guy, a health guru – well, he is none of these things, but I’m sure he
must have some other good qualities to get the lovely (Bride)’.
‘As Best Man, it is my duty and my privilege to tell you all about the groom and  his life in the
(age) years leading up to what WAS the happiest day of his life until I began this speech’
If the groom or the bride have a multicultural background, it might be a good idea to include
some culture-sensitive jokes. For example, here are some irish best man speech jokes you
could include.
‘Let’s give it to him – the groom’s a handsome fellow! Although standing up here looking at him
next to (Bride), you could have done a bit better hun.”
‘My first thought today was, if I’m the best man here, why is (Groom) getting to marry (Bride)?’
‘Don’t worry, your arms won’t get tired. My speech is going to be like a mini-skirt: long enough
to cover the essentials and short enough to hold your attention.’

Photo Credit: Fotolia

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