Tiips on handling wedding guests suffering from alcoholism

Being a wedding planner for 19 years now I have definitely ran into my share of interesting experiences at client weddings. One that has brought to my attention on more than one occasion is when a bride comes to me and tells me that she has some guests that are struggling with alcohol addictions.It is always sad to hear this but as her planner and to make sure the event runs smoothly this is a task that I need to make sure gets handled professionally. I have been asked many times to work with the bartenders at these events to not serve these guests. The clients have provided me with photos and what table the guest is sitting at so they can easily be identified. It is sad to have to police them like this but the bride is concerned for them and wants to help them so unfortunately this has to be handled by a professional TIPS certified bartender licensed in the state of Michigan.
You can learn more about what it means to be a TIPS certified professional here
There are many reasons why your staff needs to be certified from knowing how to spot a minor overpouring to unfortunately cutting off a guests.
There are many treatment centers available nationwide where individuals can seek and get the help they need to overcome this addiction one is located in St. Augustine, Florida alcohol rehab.
Since couples usually don’t opt for dry weddings having guests on your list with these addictions should be a concern for not only their safety but so the event can be smooth and not get out of hand if someone drinks that shouldn’t.