Unique Wedding Favors
Thе purpose οf wedding favors іѕ tο thank уουr guests fοr coming tο уουr wedding. So why not try to make them memorable. While small trinkets and candles are nice, they don’t really make a huge impression. You want to look for favors that are unique enough to be remembered, but to overall blend in with your tables. Here are some favors that are both unique and also elegant.

2) Decorated fortune cookies are unexpected but can be dipped in chocolate to match your color scheme. They are also unbelievably cute and can really give your guests a sense of your creative side. You can also have a customized message made for each of the fortunes.
3) This next favor Idea puts a new spin on taking a piece of cake home with you. However these yummy looking cakes aren’t edible, in fact, they are ‘Towel Cakes’. your guests will be able to take these towel cakes home, place them in water and watch them grow into a 8×8 hand towel.

I hope these unique wedding favors give you some inspiration. And If you fell in love with any of these unique wedding favors, they can be found at http://www.beau-coup.com/themed-wedding-favors.htm