3 Signs That You’ve Found The One


When you meet someone special, it can feel like the world stops spinning. You feel as though you know them even before they walk into the room; they are instantly your friend, confidant and soul mate. But all too often, these relationships fizzle out almost as quickly as they began. So what is it that prevents some partnerships from flourishing? More importantly, how can you tell if the person in front of you is the one? We all want to find our soul mate – that special person with whom we can spend the rest of our lives. But identifying that someone special isn’t always easy. Here are three signs your partner is the one and not just another casual fling:

You know everything there is to know about them

A successful relationship isn’t built on a series of “firsts”. It’s built on a series of “nows”. Your partner should know you inside out, even if they didn’t know you before. Date nights are easy, not awkward. They should know your quirks and your habits, your likes and dislikes; they should know your hopes and dreams, your fears and anxieties. They should know what makes you tick, both good and bad. They should know everything there is to know about you. And if they don’t, then you need to ask yourself why. Look for signs that your partner isn’t really interested in getting to know the real you. A real partner will make the effort to know everything about you. If they don’t, then you need to ask yourself why.

You don’t care about the little things

One of the tell-tale signs of a casual fling is arguing over the smallest things. If your partner forgets to buy milk and you throw a fit, if they park their car in the wrong place and you have a meltdown, if they say something you disagree with and you have an argument – you need to pause and ask yourself why you are letting something so small get under your skin. A real relationship isn’t built on the little things. It’s built on the fact that you don’t care about the little things. Your partner will do stupid things now and again. They will forget to do things. They will get things wrong. They will upset you. They will say stupid things. They will disagree with you sometimes. And you need to let all of this wash over you. If you let every little thing get to you, then you need to ask yourself why- or look into relationship counselling.

You have no doubts or hesitations about marrying them someday

When you find the one and you know that they are the one, you won’t have any doubts or hesitations about marrying them one day. You will know that this is the person you are meant to be with for the rest of your life. Weddings are a source of excitement, not dread. If you have no doubts or hesitations about marrying your partner, then you have found your special someone. If you are constantly having doubts and second thoughts, if you are constantly wondering if this is the right thing to do, if you are constantly questioning if this is the person you are meant to be with, then you need to ask yourself why.


If you can tick off most of the signs on this list, then you probably have found your soul mate. Finding the right person is hard, but it is well worth the effort. Finding the right person is like trying to open a safe. There are millions of safes in the world, but there is only one that is yours. There are millions of potential partners out there, but there is only one that is yours. If you find them, don’t let them go… and maybe start saving up for that engagement ring.

Photo credit:

Git Stephen Gitau on pexels.com

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