Anniversary Gift Ideas For Each Year

When it comes to anniversary gifts, there are both traditional and modern ways to go for buying your spouse a gift. Here is a list of both:
First/ Paper/ Clocks
Second/ Cotton/ China
Third/ Leather/ Crystal or Glass
Fourth/ Fruit or Flowers/ Appliances
Fifth/ Wood/ Silverware
Sixth/ Candy or Iron/ Wood
Seventh/ Wool or Copper/ Desk Sets
Eighth/ Bronze or Pottery/ Linens or Lace
Ninth/ Pottery or Willow/ Leather
Tenth/ Tin or Aluminum/ Diamond Jewelry
Eleventh/ Steel/ Fashion Jewelry
Twelfth/ Silk or Linen/ Pearls
Thirteenth/ Lace/ Textiles or Furs
Fourteenth/ Ivory/ Gold Jewelry
Fifteenth/ Crystal/ Watches
Twentieth/ China/ Platinum
Twenty-Fifth/ Silver/ Silver
Thirtieth/ Pearl/ Diamond
Thirty-Fifth/ Coral/ Jade
Fortieth/ Ruby/ Ruby
Forty-Fifth/ Sapphire/ Sapphire
Fiftieth/ Gold/ Gold