5 Wedding Favors Your Guests Will Actually Use

Photo Credit: pexels.com
Sometimes you get great wedding favors, sometimes you get a
favor that perfectly matches the new couple but it’s not something you will
ever use and it ends up in the bottom of the junk drawer. Below we have listed
some favors that your guests will actually get a use out of.
favor that perfectly matches the new couple but it’s not something you will
ever use and it ends up in the bottom of the junk drawer. Below we have listed
some favors that your guests will actually get a use out of.
#1 Heart Shaped Measuring Spoons. Your guests do not need to
be a master chef to get a use out of these. They will cherish these the next
time they make a perfect dessert or just a standard box of mac and cheese.
be a master chef to get a use out of these. They will cherish these the next
time they make a perfect dessert or just a standard box of mac and cheese.
#2 Custom Bottle Opener. You can find generic ones that are
loved theme by saying XOXO or something more specific to your personalities.
Both love bicycling? They make a bicycle themed bottle opener.
loved theme by saying XOXO or something more specific to your personalities.
Both love bicycling? They make a bicycle themed bottle opener.
#3 Locally Sourced Product. This could be a jar of honey,
jam, or even naturally made lip balm. Different areas have different vendors.
Google what is offered by you and go from there.
jam, or even naturally made lip balm. Different areas have different vendors.
Google what is offered by you and go from there.

Photo Credit: pexels.com
#4 Brownies, Cookies, or Doughnuts. Sweets are always a hit.
It is something little your guest can enjoy when they get home after
celebrating the night away with you or the next day with their coffee.
It is something little your guest can enjoy when they get home after
celebrating the night away with you or the next day with their coffee.
#5 Sleep Masks. This is a great gift if you had a wedding
that involved any type of traveling for your guests. Help them get the rest
they need to recover from all of that celebrating.
that involved any type of traveling for your guests. Help them get the rest
they need to recover from all of that celebrating.

Photo Credit: pexels.com
For help planning your perfect wedding contact tracie@yourethebride.com or call 248-408-4602
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