Wedding Acronyms

image courtesy of Google

With so many brides now turning to message boards for support and help, learning the jargon used by the other brides is essential. This is especially true as many of these acronyms are becoming the language of that the bride’s family, friends, vendors, and planners use when talking weddings. While these are not all of the acronyms out there, it is a pretty extensive list.  We have also noticed many of these are showing up on

Family Relationships:

B2B- Bride to Be

BF- Boyfriend or Best Friend

BIL- Brother-in-Law

DC- Dear Child

DD- Dear Daughter

DH- Dear Husband

DS- Dear Son

DW- Dear Wife

FBIL- Future Brother-in-Law

FFIL- Future Father-in-Law

FH- Future Husband

FI- Fiancé(masculine) or Fiancée(feminine)

FIL- Father-in-Law

FILs- Future in-Laws

FMIL- Future Mother-in-Law

FOB- Father of the Bride

FOG- Father of the Groom

FSIL- Future Sister-in-Law

FW- Future Wife

G2B- Groom to Be

GF- Girlfriend

GP- Grandparent

H2B- Husband to Be

MIL- Mother-in-Law

MOB- Mother of the Bride

MOG- Mother of the Groom

SIL- Sister-in-Law

Wedding Party:

BM- Best Man or Bridesmaid

BP- Bridal Party

FG- Flower Girl

GM- Groomsmen

MOH- Maid of Honour/Matron of Honour

JP- Justice of the Peace

RB- Ring Bearer

TBP- The Bridal Party


AI- All-inclusive (referring to honeymoon resort/hotel)

BP- Bachelor(ette) Party

BS- Bridal Shower

CM- Catering Manager

CP- Centerpiece

DIY- Do-it-Yourself

DOC- Day of Coordinator

DW- Destination Wedding

E-___- Engagement ______

GTG- Get-Together

HM- Honeymoon

MC- Master/Mistress of Ceremonies

NWR- Not Wedding Related

OOT(G)- Out-of-Town (Guests)

PF- Pocket fold (invitations)

RD- Rehearsal Dinner

RP- Repost

SO- Significant Other

STD- Save-the-dates

SWR- Some What Related

TYC- Thank You Cards

WB- Wedding Band

WP- Wedding Planner or Wedding Party

WR- Wedding Related or Wedding Ring


HTH- Hope that Helps

IMO- In My Opinion

RSVP- Répondez, S’il Vous Plaît (French for Respond, if you please)

TIA- Thanks in Advance

TY- Thank You
