The Inn at St. John’s ~ Samantha + Jeff 6/23/2018

June 23rd, 2018, Samantha and Jeff were wed at
the First United Methodist Church in Saline, Michigan with a lovely reception at The Inn at St. John’s. The joyous new couple confessed their love to one another in front of all their friends and families. Afterwards, this lively couple celebrated late into
the night at their reception at St. John’s where the staff made everything
work without a hitch.

ready in a hotel room at the Inn at St. John’s.
ready for the big day.At 12:30 pm, Samantha and Jeff did the “First Look” in the beautiful hallway of the Inn at St. John’s which has windows throughout that showcase the gorgeous waterfall outside.

Afterwards, time was spent photographing the entire wedding party before the ceremony started at the First United Methodist Church.
Once the ceremony had concluded, guests and the wedding party arrived at the Inn at St. John’s for cocktail hour. The wedding party took their private cocktail hour in the Esther room while guests enjoyed their cocktail hour in an area right outside of the reception ballroom.
Go 4 Baroque played delightful sounds for guests during this time.

Once it was time for the reception to start, guests started moving into the ballroom and were greeted by an energetic grand entrance by the upbeat wedding party. Touching toasts were given, a fantastic meal was served by the always gracious serving staff, and an adorable cake cutting took place.

Once these activities were completed, it was time for this lively wedding party to get the party started.

Samantha and Jeff were one of the most energetic, fun, and loving couples we worked with this season. We wish them all the best with their future together and cannot wait for the blessings that life has in store for them.

Church – (1 Photo at Top of post, remainder by You’re The Bride)
Hotel: Hilton Garden Inn –