Back to Organics

With the ever growing “Green” craze organic materials are being used in weddings more and more. Many brides are even having organic gowns made. These gowns are made from all natural materials like raw silk, cotton, hemp, soy, bamboo, and much more. Though these gowns are made from raw and unaltered materials you would never know it! Each gown is beautifully made and fits wonderfully. Many people have it in their heads that organic materials are itchy and uncomfortable, but that is not at all true. Each organic gown is just as comfortable as a gown made from man-made materials, but they are so much better for the environment.
Not only can a bride get a gown made out of organic fabrics but she can reuse or reinvent old ones! This is a great way to stay “green.” By recycling old gowns you are not introducing new materials to the environment, thus reducing the amount of waste. These old gowns can be altered to fit your unique theme and style and you can do so by using organic materials. By incorporating these organic materials into the recycled dress you are helping to create a new and unique item that can be recycled properly. Or you can keep it!
Another thing to keep in mind is that because you have an organic dress does not mean that your entire wedding has to be a “green” theme, or an earthy/rustic theme. Many of these dresses can be incorporated into any theme, even if the dress is the only organic item included.
So get those carbon footprints down ladies and go back to organics!
For help planning your perfect wedding contact or call 248-408-4602 or visit