Detroit January Couple of the Month: Shelby and Alex, St. Mary’s Cultural Center

Alex and Shelby met in 2008 in an Honors course at the University of
Michigan-Dearborn. Within the first week of class, Alex and Shelby were placed
in a group to “peer edit” papers. Alex told Shelby, “Your paper is
so good! I can’t believe how good it is. I’ve never met anyone who writes
better than me.” Shelby wondered if Alex was hitting on her.
Months of flirting and people commenting “When are you two going to go
out?!” passed until one particular conversation in the university
“Honors Lounge.”
Someone asked where Shelby had gone to kindergarten; she mentioned she had
gone to school in Fort Wayne, IN. Alex excitedly stated he had also lived in
Fort Wayne, IN when he was younger and had gone to “Perry Hill Elementary.”
Shelby couldn’t remember the school–just that her kindergarten teacher’s name
was Mrs. Picco. Alex’s kindergarten teacher was Mrs. Picco, too!
Alex and Shelby quickly discovered that not only had they had the same
kindergarten teacher (eight years apart), they had played in the same creek,
and grown up in the same neighborhood! Alex’s family had moved out the year
Shelby’s family had moved in! It was fate!
Soon spring (and then summer) went by; Shelby said, “Alex, you don’t
need to propose somewhere special!” Their friend, and member of the Bridal
Party, Ben said, “Yeah, Alex, just incorporate something she likes!”
Alex responded, “Okay, Shelby… go stand by the ranch dressing on the
salad bar.” Ha. Ha.
Fast forward a few more months, and Shelby and Alex are in a rush to see her
sister, Victoria, off to her first Homecoming dance. Alex couldn’t find his shoes
and called from the hallway, “Shelby, will you come out here? I can’t find
them.” Shelby said, “Why would they be out there?” only to be
greeted by a very suspicious Alex. As soon as she said, “What are you
doing?” Alex leaned over… and pulled out a bottle of ranch dressing from
the other room. Shelby responded, “Are you serious?” before Alex then
got down on one knee! Of course, Shelby said yes.
However, in August, Shelby & Alex joined her family in Washington, D.C.
for a week. They went to the Jefferson Memorial. There the ring was part of the
proposal this time instead of ranch and now they are happily engaged!
Alex currently works as an engineer and Shelby is a caretaker/writer. Their
wedding will take place on May 25 in the spring, at Greenmead in the Hill House
Gardens in Livonia, MI and the reception at St. Mary’s Cultural Center, also
Livonia, MI. With colors of pale pink, green, and ivory their wedding will surely
be beautiful come spring! The theme will be “vintage” and they have an emphasis
on craft beer!