How many bridesmaids should you plan on?

Well the answer to this question is unique to every bride. You may only feel comfortable with your best friend and sister at your side while you say your vows. Or you could want more attendants than guests. Either way, there is no quota about how many attendants you have to have. But if you are looking for a good stating point, experts say that the ideal wedding attendant to guest ratio is one pair (bridesmaid and a groomsmen) per 35 to 50 guests. So, if you’re planning a very small wedding, you might only need a best man and a maid of honor. The average number of bridesmaids is about 3-5, plus a Maid or Matron of Honor. This gives the altar a nice, full look with out it looking over crowded. Whomever you have at your side on your wedding day will be special, and will leave a lasting impact on you both for the rest of your life.