Coming Soon!! Invitations 101 FREE Tele-Class from You’re The Bride
Coming Soon!!! Invitations 101 FREE Tele-Class Learn everything from what pieces to order, how many, different styles, wording issues, fonts, and more! Please follow our blog at as we will be posting information soon on when the class will be. Since its a tele-class its open to anyone that has a phone! We will have room for 96 brides on the call so its on a first come first serve basis. Don’t worry if you cant get on the first conference call we will definitely be doing another one to help all the brides out and will keep you updated on the blog. I know you all have several questions and this will be a great class for you if you are going to be ordering your wedding invitations soon so please stay tuned! Please send us an email at if you are interested in participating so when we select the date we can notify you and send you the dial-in phone number and code to access the call. Phone charges apply but we’re going to set it up after 9 pm EST when most carriers are free.