3 Environments That Can Benefit From Great Design

Everything you see around you contributes to your overall
experience. They are elements within the environment that should complement who
you are and what you need with clarity and purpose.
experience. They are elements within the environment that should complement who
you are and what you need with clarity and purpose.
This applies everywhere in the community, from the homes you
live in to the establishments you frequent. With a renewedfocus on interior
design, even a trendy metropolis like Salt Lake City will blossom
like never before.
live in to the establishments you frequent. With a renewedfocus on interior
design, even a trendy metropolis like Salt Lake City will blossom
like never before.
Here are a few design tips for three common places to
greatly enhance their impact.
greatly enhance their impact.
Your Home
It’s nice to live in a place where you can comfortably stay
all day long, while feeling a sense of pride at what you see. Incorporating the
elements of harmonious design will allow you as a homeowner to bring a level of
cohesiveness to the look and feel of your home.
all day long, while feeling a sense of pride at what you see. Incorporating the
elements of harmonious design will allow you as a homeowner to bring a level of
cohesiveness to the look and feel of your home.
Any great designer will advise against randomly putting nice
things around your house or apartment without a central vision. Take a moment
to reflect on your sensibilities and interests. Incorporate them when deciding
on your focal point or central design anchor. Try mixing and matching patterns
that contrast to promote a rhythmic flow and balance.
things around your house or apartment without a central vision. Take a moment
to reflect on your sensibilities and interests. Incorporate them when deciding
on your focal point or central design anchor. Try mixing and matching patterns
that contrast to promote a rhythmic flow and balance.
If you are inhabiting a space where you can easily move
through things that belong together, a strong sense of harmony will extend
itself to you.
through things that belong together, a strong sense of harmony will extend
itself to you.
The majority of the classrooms today have one major flaw –
its inherent design hasn’t changed for more than a hundred years; a product of
society’s rapid industrialization. What they needed then were obedient workers
specially fit for the monotony of factories.
its inherent design hasn’t changed for more than a hundred years; a product of
society’s rapid industrialization. What they needed then were obedient workers
specially fit for the monotony of factories.
Times have changed, however. Well-designed classrooms have
shown to improve learning progress by 16 percent for
primary school pupils alone. This should implore classrooms to shift their
focus from the teacher to the student, allowing for both individuals and
collaborative ways of learning.
shown to improve learning progress by 16 percent for
primary school pupils alone. This should implore classrooms to shift their
focus from the teacher to the student, allowing for both individuals and
collaborative ways of learning.
For starters, group desks and chairs together to form small
islands of learning, create spaces for both teachers and students to flow freely
around the classroom, and choose the furniture they can easily move.
islands of learning, create spaces for both teachers and students to flow freely
around the classroom, and choose the furniture they can easily move.
The workspaces you go to almost every day should not look
and feel like dull prisons. Try searching for the offices of some of the best
companies around today – even though they have varying personalities, all of
them are full of life.
and feel like dull prisons. Try searching for the offices of some of the best
companies around today – even though they have varying personalities, all of
them are full of life.
With businesses that depend on the brilliance and
productivity of their employees, youshoulddesign offices in vibrant and
stimulating ways to make them want to stay in their jobs. This is also a unique
opportunity for companies to express their core values.
productivity of their employees, youshoulddesign offices in vibrant and
stimulating ways to make them want to stay in their jobs. This is also a unique
opportunity for companies to express their core values.
For example, business owners can promote transparency and
collaboration with open office design, while providing avenues for individuals
to focus on their own. It’s always important to note that too much of a good
thing will eventually backfire, so consider your choices well.
collaboration with open office design, while providing avenues for individuals
to focus on their own. It’s always important to note that too much of a good
thing will eventually backfire, so consider your choices well.
Whenever you design a space that will involve human
interaction, always think about story and purpose. Strive to deliver an
experience that will best suit the needs of those coming through its doors.
interaction, always think about story and purpose. Strive to deliver an
experience that will best suit the needs of those coming through its doors.
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