April Couple of the Month ~ Lauren + Eric ~ Eagle Isle Bed and Breakfast

Eric and I were set up five years ago, by a mutual friend
who knew we’d be a match. After several dates, we fell hard and fast and we
were soon inseparable.
dog, Bailey. I can’t see my life without him, so naturally I’ve been ready to
marry him for years, and although I made that known, he was more slow moving.

Last year, we took a cruise to the Bahamas. With the help of a travel agent, he
planned the ultimate proposal.
On February 27, 2016, I thought we were just going to the beach- I was wrong.
Eric told me that a photographer, from the ship, was going to take a picture of
each couple that had rented a cabana, so I packed a dress. When the
photographer arrived, Eric told me he wanted a shot of me looking into the
distance, so I turned to face the ocean. When I turned back around, he was down
on one knee! Dream come true!
We are getting married on June 10, 2017 at a bed and breakfast in Ohio. It’s an
outdoor setting, which is exactly what we want. He has 8 groomsmen and I have 6
bridesmaids, who will be wearing powder blue dresses. We are both so very
excited to get married and start a new journey!